Dr.-Ing. Jens Fahrenberg
- Head of Innovation and Relationship Management
- Phone: +49 721 608-25580
- jens fahrenberg ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr.-Ing. Jens Fahrenberg, born 1963, studied electrical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, where he graduated in 1991. He completed his doctorate in 1994 in the field of microsystems technology at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK).
Subsequently, he worked until 1999 as Program Manager Microsystems Technology at the Research Center, where he took over the management of the Industrial Forum Micro Manufacturing Technology in 2000. In 2002, he was appointed head of the Marketing, Patents and Licenses (MAP) department at the FZK.
After the merger of the Research Centre and the University of Karlsruhe to form the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2009, Jens Fahrenberg took over the management of the central service unit Innovation Management, which is active in the areas of patents, licenses, technology marketing as well as company start-ups and participations, and in recent years has implemented further instruments such as the KIT Business Club and the KIT High-tech Incubator.
Since January 2017, Jens Fahrenberg has been in charge of Innovation and Relationship Management (IRM) with around 60 employees. In addition to the above-mentioned aspects of technology transfer, he is also responsible for Career Service, Alumni, Fundraising and Foundations.
In addition, he has various tasks and functions in the regional and national environment, including managing director of KIT Innovation gGmbH, is involved in various functions at the Helmholtz Association and is on the board of the Technologieallianz e.V., the German Association for Knowledge and Technology Transfer.