Corporate donations

You as a corporation provide funding of 1,800 €/year per scholarship, which is doubled by the federal government.

 Advantages for companies

  • You support talented KIT students.
  • The KIT publicly honors your company.
  • Take part in the ceremonial presentation of the scholarship and get to know the scholarship holders personally
  • The Deutschlandstipendium is a door opener to participate in the KIT.
  • Use your support for a positive image transfer and an increase of your company's public image - not only on the KIT Campus.
  • You can claim the support as a donation for tax purposes.


Please contact us or transfer your donation directly to the donation account on the right.

Margret Suckale Margret Suckale
We are committed

Promoting clever and motivated minds: Our supporters tell us why their commitment to talented students is close to their hearts.


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IBAN: DE44 6005 0101 7495 5001 49

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