Application for the Leadership Talent Academy

How can I apply for the Leadership Talent Academy?

The Leadership Talent Academy starts on Mon, 24.04.2023 to participate in the Leadership Talent Academy, you will go through a two-stage selection process. In the first part, you submit your written application documents. After reviewing your documents and receiving positive feedback, we would like to get to know you in a personal interview in the second part. Each year 25 master's students or doctoral candidates can participate in the Leadership Talent Academy.


Application to start in winter semester 2023/2023

Phase 1 – Online-Application
  • summer / late summer 2023
Moderationsmaterial Magali Hauser / KIT
Dates and Deadlines
  • You are studying for a master's degree or a doctorate at KIT, come from an engineering or natural science background, are about to enter professional life, and would like to take on leadership responsibility in the future
  • You are interested in a value-oriented personality and career development and would like to get to know yourself more intensively
  • You can participate in all workshop and seminar days
  • You are fluent in written and spoken German

Please note that an application is only possible if you are able to attend all workshop and seminar days and participate in the ongoing evaluations of the program. As the entire content of the Leadership Talent Academy takes place in German, proficiency in written and spoken German (minimum level C1) is required. Please read the FAQ's before applying and also feel free to participate in the information sessions.


  • Application form*: digitally completed application form (incl. upload of requested documents) 
  • Letter of motivation: max. 1 page (with name), in which the following questions should be answered as concretely as possible:
    • For what reasons are you interested in participating in the Leadership Talent Academy? 
    • What points of contact have you already had with the topic of leadership and what does "good leadership" mean to you? 
    • What development goals related to leadership can participation in the Leadership Talent Academy help you with?
  • Certificate of enrollment (for Master students): for the summer semester 2023 
  • Acceptance as a doctoral candidate (for doctoral students): notice of acceptance as a doctoral candidate (valid in SuSe 2023)  
  • Transcripts and transcript of grades: University degree certificates and current(!) grade transcript
    (foreign certificates can only be considered with German translation and grade classification)
  • Curriculum vitae: Curriculum vitae in tabular form 
  • Portrait picture: current portrait image as a separate file
  • Social commitment (if available): Proof of social commitment - current and/or during studies or doctorate
  • Professional commitment (if available): Proof of professional commitment (e.g. competition participation, awards or prizes) - current and/or during studies or doctoral studies.
  • Other evidence: Further proof according to the information in the curriculum vitae (e.g. work / internship certificates) 
  • Proof of language skills: Proof of German language skills at least on level C1, if you are not a native speaker

*Important note: The application form can be found in the login area of the Career Service Portal. Please log in there with your KIT account. A new registration is not necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the hotline of the Career-Service-Portal at careerserviceportal does-not-exist.kit edu.

Please check your documents for completeness before sending them. Unfortunately, incomplete documents cannot be considered in the selection process.


Phase 2 – Online selection interviews
  • Summer / late summer 2023

We would like to get to know you as a person during the selection interviews. We are interested in who you are and what motivation you bring to the Leadership Talent Academy. This is not a technical interview, but rather an assessment of how you could benefit from the Academy's offerings.

The selection interviews will last approximately 20 min. per applicant and will take place online between Tue, 28.02.2023 and Thu, 02.03.2023 on a morning or afternoon. We would like to point out that the selection interviews will only take place in the mentioned period and unfortunately they cannot be postponed. Therefore, please keep the mentioned days free. We will come back to you with an appointment within this period after a positive review of your application documents.


You will receive feedback from us by 06.03.2023 as to whether you can participate in the Leadership Talent Academy this year. Please also check the inboxes in your spam folder.

Please understand that due to the large number of applications, we are unfortunately unable to provide you with detailed information on the reasons for the acceptances and rejections. If you are currently not able to participate, we would be happy to receive your application for the next round!


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Lena Held
Lena Held
Projectmanagement Leaderthip Talent Academy

+49 721 608-44169

Tabea Schwarzlose
Project Assistant Leadership Talent Academy & Marketing

tabea schwarzlose does-not-exist.kit edu