

KIT-Career-Service: Finding an Internship in Germany

Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 16:00-19:00
Workshop Description
This training is designed to introduce international students to finding an internship in Germany. It begins with an overview of the internship landscape and culture in Germany, followed by key information about internships in Germany based on academic research and market reports. Following, students are asked to conduct a bounded search for five different internships, which leads to a review of the avenues and methods for finding internships in Germany, particularly for students looking for English-language internships. Then, students are introduced to initiative applications and the power of a well-written cover letter and/or introduction email. This includes examples students can consult when writing their own letters, as well as templates for writing emails and letters to employers. The final activity involves critiquing internship applications, in particular cover letters, concluding with a checklist for finding an internship in Germany. Students walk away from this workshop with a structure for finding an internship in Germany and special insight into English-language internship avenues.

Here’s What We’ll Cover

  • Overview of the Internship landscape and culture in Germany
  • How the internship search process works
  • Diverse and unique avenues for finding an internship in Germany
  • Realistic internship goal-setting
  • How to find internship hosts and positions
  • How to navigate an English-only internship search
  • What to expect in terms of tIming for your internship
  • How to approach the internship application and interview
  • Legal and financial aspects of internships in Germany


What You Will Accomplish

By the end of this workshop, you will be prepared to apply for an internship in Germany. Templates, example applications, spreadsheet trackers and special advice for English language internships provide a well-rounded system for realistically planning an internship search and understanding what is expected in an internship application.


Workshop Tools & Handouts

  • Internship Search Roadmap & Checklist
  • Internship Tracker (Google Sheets & Excel versions)
  • Email templates for contacting German employers
  • Example applications and cover letters


Workshop Logistics

  • Max. 30 participants
  • Includes student portal access for one year


Your Coach

Jessica Schueller is a Germany-focused  career coach, trainer, and international educator. You can learn more about her on her LinkedIn and Xing profiles, and read her career story.


Why a workshop on finding internships in Germany? Previously, she managed an international internship company that placed international students in internships in Germany (in English and German). Through this experience she gained a holistic understanding of the international internship search process, including the peculiarities of internship culture in Germany and the strategies that lead to landing an internship in English.


Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Campus Plus Portal.


This event is part of the eventgroup Bewerbung & Karriere
Frau Julia Neer
KIT-Career-Service - Innovations- und Relationsmanagement (IRM)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608 - 46988
Fax: +49 721 608 - 44343
Mail: julia neer does-not-exist.kit edu